I am connected to a ftp server. I copied a folder to the server. Directory Opus does not show the folder on the server.
Filezilla Client shows it just fine.
Even after hitting manual refresh a bunch of times, DirectoryOpus insists refuses to show the folder.
I have reported problems with auto-refresh and manual refresh before, mostly regarding USB drives, but also once with FTP servers. I am not sure if this is related.
I think there is a deep bug in refresh of FTP servers. It seems as if Directory Opus is caching the content of FTP directories and uses that cache way (way) to aggressively, even if files and folders on the server have changed.
In addition, Directory Opus seems to also re-use old ftp caches, even if I disconnect and reconnect to the server (!). This leads to extremely confusing behavour.
Since all of this works perfect in Filezilla, it must be a bug in Opus.
EDIT: More weird behavior. I tried to copy the folder again, using Opus. Opus complains that a file inside the folder exists on the server (a folder it is not displaying in the target pane). Together with the dialog, the target pane now auto-refreshes, and shows the folder (!). If I now abort the dialog, the folder keeps showing until I click manual refresh, and then it vanishes again.
Yes, it happens even if I set "ftp_do_not_cache" to "true." How is this possible? Why is Opus showing me a cached version when I switched off the caching?
It just happened again. I will return to Filezilla for FTP until this is fixed. There's nothing more frustrating than being presented outdated views of folders and files that don't even refresh when clicking the refresh button. Worse, it can lead to serious errors and hours of wasted time when copying/updating stuff manually.
Yes it still shows the wrong contents even after exiting Opus.
I am not sure how I ever got it to display correct contents on this folder.
The folder is a subfolder on the server called ".config" . The contents are shown as empty. Filezilla shows the correct contents. File permissions on the .config folder and contents are 0755.
don't get me wrong. I love caching! I just want to be able to clear it once and a while..
what does ftp_dblclk_cache_time mean?
or zip_dblclik_cache_time!