When I upload from Windows to Unix via FTP, if I click "Abort" for whatever reason, the remote file system keeps the incomplete file, and Opus easily lets me resume the upload later.
But I'm confused about the reverse case... I had to click "Abort" while downloading from Unix to Windows, and the local Windows folder does not have the incomplete file, so I cannot resume. There was over 1GB of data, so if possible I'd like to resume. Are the FTP download temporary files stored somewhere that I can access after clicking "Abort"?
Temp files only get used for FTP when you double-click things, as far as I know.
Does the server you're using support resume in this case? Opus might not keep the partial file if it knows it cannot be resumed. (I'm not sure if that's the case, but it's the only thing I can think of that might explain why it keeps the partial file for me but not for you. Assuming we're both talking about standard FTP, not SFTP which I didn't try (although I think it is the same as well, from memory).)