Getting a theme uninstalled

Hi, I have downloaded and installed the MSN Messenger theme.
Very nice theme :slight_smile:, but yesterday I decided to return to the original theme. To my surprise some parts of the user interface are now using the original theme, and some (like pull down menu's) still use the colours of MSN theme. My question: how do I fully remove the colours of the MSN theme? Or is this a bug :wink:


Are you using the latest version of Opus?

To fix this you will probably need to manually change the toolbar backgrounds etc using Customize and Prefs. I guess it's possible that the default theme needs updating and doesn't cover all items that a current theme would. No idea - it's been a while since I created those themes and experimented.

Yes, I use the latest version. I was just wondering if i stumbled on a bug or a known issue. :slight_smile:

Best regards, Robert

I had a similar issue the other day when I was looking at Nudel's themes. Before I applied a-------179271788815143
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="add_attachment_body"

----- That was weird -----
I had a similar issue the other day when I was looking at Nudel's themes. Before I applied any theme, I made my own theme with all colors, sounds, patterns, etc. When I applied my saved theme back over the top of the imported theme, some of the colors were not what I started with and some patterns were still in the toolbars. Since I don't use any system specific colors or patterns with the exclusion of one or two items, I had to go through and reset a few things to default. I didn't think anything of it since I knew what settings to change. I'll see if I can recreate the issue when I get home tonight.

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