Most of the time, I need Go UP BACK
when I double clic file background.
But I have collection with folders as members and if I open folder from collection, I often want to Go BACK
to Collection when I double clic background.
I create an user command like this and put in Preferences > File Displays > Mouse > Double-click on file display background :
go up back
go back
Set DUAL=Horiz
Ok with none, shift and alt keys.
But problem with ctrl + double clic : my collection is open in dual mode.
I reduce my user command to :
go back
Same thing…
I edit again :
@confirm : “Go back test”
go back
I have confirmation dialog then lister go back to my collection.
Also if I set ”go back” in Prefs, there is no problem and I go back to my collection.
Is there a bug ?