I just tried a >Go LAYOUT=xxx instant command (where a layout named xxx definitely exists) and nothing happened. Bug? or is there another possible explanation?
Regards, AB
I just tried a >Go LAYOUT=xxx instant command (where a layout named xxx definitely exists) and nothing happened. Bug? or is there another possible explanation?
Regards, AB
What are you expecting it to do?
I suspect you want the Prefs command not the Go command, if you want to open a layout with the folders and tabs saved in that layout.
OTOH, if you want to open a particular folder in a new window using some elements of a layout, then Go is the correct command, but you need to tell it which folder to open. See the docs on the Go command's layout argument for an example.
Quite right, it is Prefs LAYOUT=xxx I want. I have a mental block with this particular construct. I always associate opening listers with the Go command, not Prefs. Thanks for the reminder.
Regards, AB