Go to parent dir on double click in empty space?

Too bad, it was such a handy thing.

[quote="nudel"]This FAQ lists out the ways you can go to the parent directory (there are some you might not have noticed):
[Can I add a '..' item to go to the parent directory?)

Excellent FAQ... although, alas, I already knew all of them, and none of them really form an equivalent replacement. The main drawback with the mouse alternatives is that the "target" is always very small, and thus requires (mouse) aiming; the empty space approach is nice in that it usually offers a huge area for performing the action, which leads to much faster gesture execution since you can do it nearly blindfolded, without any aiming (i.e., you just "throw" the mouse towards the space and "blindly" double click). The hotkey approach is also slow since it usually involves letting go of the mouse. :slight_smile:

Oh well, hopefully this feature will come about at some point. I guess my reliance on this gesture indicates I do "go to parent folder" a lot, perhaps too often. I suspect there is much more efficient workflow possible in Dopus for the tasks I do which I have not yet conceived (not that I tried yet...), which would make the frequent "go to parent" unnecessary...