Go up link

Does DOpus have an option to have the "go up" link on top of the file/dir lister, like Total Commander does ? I can't imagine I would have to move my mouse for example from far left to almost the middle of my screen just to click on the "go up" arrow to reach the parent dir. Any hints ?

Look here: [Parent directory ".." on the top of every file list?)

From the Opus v9.0.0.7 release notes:

I've just added an 8th alternative way (putting the parent command on the lister context menu) to go up a folder to the FAQ (which is linked from the post Christiaan pointed out and includes the double-click method edbro9 pointed out).

Hopefully one of the methods in the FAQ will suit you. You could duplicate the parent button so that you have them in several places on your toolbar. You can also make parent buttons which only affect the left (top) or right (bottom) file display, regardless of which is active. (Use the same OPENINLEFT and OPENINRIGHT arguments I mentioned in your drive-buttons thread.)

IMO it's much better having the parent button(s) always in the same place. I can't imagine having to scroll up a long file list in order to get to the ".." entry at the top of it. :slight_smile:

Hehe, it's all good and well, however it would certainly also be good to have that "standard" parent link in the lister itself. It could be toggleable from the preferences if anybody would want to turn it off.

After 8 alternatives being written I feel the need to explain my situation (on Total Commander, if you don't mind):

I got the thumb button on my mouse configured as an "enter" key (really useful btw). Now when I browse dirs (for example looking for some file) I enter a directory with a double click, scroll around and then return to the parent folder just by pressing the thumb button. That's because when I enter a dir, the first "entry" (which happens to be the '..' aka parent link) is selected which allows me to go back with the thumb button press (providing I don't click on anything while in that dir). Turns out I do this a lot and it speeds up my work. If I click on a file within a dir then yes, I have to scroll to the top ... OR .... I click on the "GO UP" button in the Total Commander toolbar. So either way, I win, since Total Commander has BOTH options available. Why won't you add that ".." thingy in anyway ? Is it patented ? :slight_smile:

I wouldn't say showing ".." in GUI apps is standard. Not since Win95 came out, at least.

That's true. It seems that GPSoftware dislike ".." too much to add it, though. I don't know their exact reasons.

(Maybe they're worried people will see it switched on in a screenshot, not know it's optional, and think the app is stuck in the past? I have to admit to feeling that a little when I see ".." in anything these days. I'm just guessing, though.)

Makes sense but you have to admit that is unusual.

(I've got an unusual mouse button setup as well: Shift and Alt-F4 on two of the buttons. Great for shift-selecting and shift-clicking things and closing windows without moving the mouse. I've also got Ctrl-Page Up, Ctrl-Page Down and Ctrl-F4 on three other buttons. Great for switching/closing tabs in many apps. But if an app doesn't use those keys I wouldn't expect it to support them just because of my mouse setup. Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab are also standard for that sort of thing and some apps support one but not the other. I guess I could still set up application-specific buttons since Logitech's drivers let me do that.)

Having "Back" bound to a mouse button is pretty much a standard for mice with more than three buttons. I don't use that setup myself but Opus supports it, though Back isn't always the same as Parent, of course.

It's not my choice as I'm not part of GPSoftware. :slight_smile:

[quote="edbro9"]From the Opus v9.0.0.7 release notes:

But where you do create this "defined user command"? I have no options in my dropdown list so that radial button is grayed out for me.

Customise / Commands / User Commands.