Go up when actual folder has been deleted

I remember that DO automatically moved one folder up in the past, when deleting the actual shown folder in lister.

E.g. "D:\Test" is shown, then I delete "Test" and DO goes up to "D:".

Lister now stays in deleted folder. Can I change this to the old behaviour?

It should go up if it detects the deletion.

Whether the tree is open or not can have some effect, too.

If it is not happenig then we need more details. Opus version, type(s) of drive, whether Opus is seeing the deletions at all (e.g. via a lister looking at the parent folder when the deletion happens), and what is deleting the folder and how (Opus or another program? Recycle Bin or full deletion?)

Ok, here we go:

  • Latest v12-beta (but AFAIR also happened in v11)
  • No tree
  • Internal SATA-HDD's
  • Full deletion (no recycle)
  • Lister always updates in all other cases

I created a folder "test" in left lister, open it and delete it in right lister. Left lister will stay in deleted "test". As said, in the past DO jumped to parent folder.

Was this fixed? Because last weeks DO jumped up, but today I noticed it doesn't.

I don't think anything changed in the last couple of weeks.