Hi can/will someone help with alphabetical grouping see screenshot
greetings Jan
Can you be more specific?
Hello Leo, now he just does grouping A-H and I-P and Q-Z. But must be A-B-C-E-F etc....
Correction Jon en grouping on maps.
At the moment, it could be done via a script column, as those can group things however you want.
In the future, we plan to add a built-in option to make this easier.
I know this is not an answer to your question. On the other hand, you could try this following toolbar as a workaround.
It uses commands not scripts. LMB on a letter to get all items that begin with the chosen letter or RMB for all items that have the chosen letter anywhere in the item name. Another LMB or RMB clears the filter. It includes numbers and symbols.
I use it as a vertical toolbar where it takes little screen space.
-Any or First Letter 3B Alpha Find.dop (44.3 KB)
Hello, thank you for thinking along. However, I prefer the actual grouping. I'm waiting for Opus to build this in. And I'm trying to discover something in the help of Opus that I might be able to do something with.
mvg Jan