Group by artist with more than one artist per file

Hey there,

I have a question regarding the "Groupby"-feature in detailed view, comparing to the way, explorer does. This points to columns with metadata.

assume having some video files, tagged correctly with several artists. If more than one artist is given, all artists are placed within "artist"-field, divided by ; (semicolon)

for example:

if I activate the "group by artist" within Directory Opus it will be presented like this:

if I activate the "group by artist" within windows explorer it will be presented like this:

Is it possible to "teach" DOpus the way of showing grouped files in that way, windows explorer does?

You might be able to do something using a script column to get custom grouping rules, but each file can only be in one group, so I don't think you can do exactly the same thing where you end up with two instances of several files in the same listing.