Having Trouble with Custom Button

Hello, again. Thanks for helping with my last post. I have another question. I'm trying to create a button on my desktop where if you click the left mouse button it opens Firefox and if you click the right mouse button it opens Internet Explorer. I want it to look like an icon and be able to move it wherever I want it. I have the action working but can't figure out two things. How do you make the background transparent, and why can't I move it? I put a three-button on a floating toolbar but the thing won't move. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I don't think transparent toolbars are an option just yet.

Do you have your toolbars locked? This also affects floating toolbars - you will need to unlock them (right-click and deselect Lock Toolbars), move your floating toolbar and then re-lock them.

You can make a floating toolbar transparent by right-clicking the border and choosing the transparent option. If the border is not visible you may need to temporarily enable it from Customize.

Ah yes, to be schooled by Jon. I never knew this option was there. Go fig.