Hello!“Description”Have a couple questions, can you help me?

Hello. I'm having a few problems with adding “Description” to a file! I have a couple of problems when adding “Description” to a file:
1, my computer is WIN 10, then I used SMB to map several directories in the NAS to the computer, when I add “Description” to the files in the directory, it generates the “descript.ion” file, but the “Advanced mode” of Find... “Advanced mode”, with ‘Description’ can not search results

  1. I copied the file with “Description” and “description.ion” to another computer, but “Description” is not displayed. What can I do?

Which type(s) of file is involved? Descriptions can be stored differently, depending on the type.

How is Opus configured under:

Preferences / File Operations / Copying Files / Metadata (Copying Files)


Preferences / File Operations / Metadata

My files are some photos in JPG format (no less than 3000). They are stored in my NAS, which is Linux based. my system is Win10, and I have mounted the directory of these photos as a network drive using SMB.
I wrote the description of the photos to “description” and successfully generated the file “descript.ion”, at first it shows the description of my photos, but after refreshing, the description changes to the format “5 digits - photo resolution”, for example: “45760 - 3072x4096x24 JPEG Image”, I can't search for the photo with my own description, but if I use those 5 digits, I can get a bunch of photos, including the one I want.

Did you add the Description with DOpus or with another application? If not DOpus, what application did you use?
'Description' and 'description.ion' are not the same fields.

You reminded me, I tried to use a third party JPG image to deposit into the catalog and then “Description” it and it worked!
My original ones, however, never worked - they were taken with my cell phone and not processed with any other software.

Is there any solution to this, please?

I think you might have confused a few fields.

There are (at least) two columns showing up as "Description" in Opus.

You are looking at desc (internal name), a composite column that displays "whatever Opus finds about the file."

The field into which you entered your descriptive text corresponds to imagedesc. It will be stored with the image file, but (I think) it won't be stored in a descript.ion file.

Content of descript.ion:

IMG037.jpg A comment

To get the columns from the example above, use

Set COLUMNSTOGGLE="imagedesc(!,a,0)"
Set COLUMNSTOGGLE="comments(!,a,0)"
Set COLUMNSTOGGLE="userdesc(!,a,0)"
Set COLUMNSTOGGLE="desc(!,a,0)"

Use the comment field instead of anything "description" for image files.

Thank you! Solved! I need to delete the contents of “comment”!
Thanks again!

I'm confused! XLP suggested using the comment field, and then andeaker said they need to delete the contents of the 'comments' field.

Andeaker, is your goal to enter IPTC Description (called Cation in many applications) which support descriptive text about an image - up to 2000 characters?
If not, what do you want to use that filed for?