Help creating a dialog input, please

[quote="steje"]Still not totally sure of the details of your circumstance, so let me write out some assumptions on my part:

[ul][li]You always have a static path to the main "[folder with all the folders in]"[/li]
[li]Through some other part of your work flow, you've either copied the number/name of the specific client folder to the clipboard, or you'll type it in to some text box (with the specific client folder being the "primary key number" generated by your company's client management system)[/li][/ul]
So, pretending (as an example) that the "[folder with all the folders in]" is "D:\my\temp\test", here are two ideas for buttons you can paste directly to your toolbar:

If you don't care about actually seeing the full path to the main client folder in the text popup:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" separate="yes" textcol="none"> <label>Goto Client Folder</label> <icon1>#pathfield</icon1> <function type="batch"> <instruction>@nofilenamequoting</instruction> <instruction>Go &quot;D:\my\temp\test\{RS|Enter client folder number to open:|{clip}}&quot; NEWTAB</instruction> </function> </button>
If you DO want to actually see the full path to the main client folder in the text popup (sometimes ppl feel better if they see the whole thing :question: ):

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" separate="yes" textcol="none"> <label>Goto Client Folder</label> <icon1>#pathfield</icon1> <function type="batch"> <instruction>@nofilenamequoting</instruction> <instruction>Go &quot;{RS|Enter client folder number to open:|D:\my\temp\test\{clip}}&quot; NEWTAB</instruction> </function> </button>

If you are copying the "primary key number" from a field in some application or something, then one of the methods above are probably fine (and more or less what you asked for). Though, if you're always CERTAIN that whatever you've got in the clipboard is the valid number of the client folder you want to jump to, you could modify the button(s) above so that it just takes you there withOUT the dialog prompt. The dialog can still be useful even then though, in the case you might want to go to similarly named folders in series (i.e. maybe you need to check up on client 00001, then 00002, then 00003 and so on) where with the dialog you could just backspace over the last digit and manually type in the new ending digit... freeing you from having to go fetch whatever the next client number is from wherever it is that you're getting it.

But also, if you're copying that number from some other file (wasn't sure about the relationship between the folder name possibly to 'other' files I thought you were hinting at), there might be a way to streamline this even more... where are you getting that "primary key number" from to copy it into your clipboard?[/quote]

Sir, your example code once modified for my network works flawlessly. My thanks