Help is stealing focus

Possibly you should proofread better your post?

Possibly you should just stay out of this?

Please be nice to each other, everyone.

There are much better people to argue with out there on the Internet than fellow Opus users. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Bringing this back on topic, Leo, could you please comment on the original post relating to the help window stealing focus. It sounds like a bug, IMO.

I looked at this a long time ago and remember there being a reason for it, but I've forgotten the details, to be honest. It's unlikely to change, after 13 years, but we may review it again when we get a chance. There's a lot of high priority stuff to do first, though.

Unless I simply never noticed it before (unlikely, but not impossible) the issue with Help jumping in front of other windows when triggered by a Copy command is a recent phenomenon. I believe it started at some point in the chain of pre-release Opus 11 betas.

Regards, AB

I just checked in a virtual machine. It was introduced in 11.0.9. Earlier 11.0.x betas did not have the problem.

Regards, AB

Yes, sorry, I was confusing that change with the help being on top generally. It's as per my reply in the thread that was linked near the start of this thread. Nothing new to say as we have not looked at it further yet.

Looks like DOpus11.7.1 (beta) has a fix for this.