Help manual in French


Do you have a project to translate your help manual in French ?
Your software is translated in differents language but not your help manual.


The full manual is only in English (with a small portion also available in German), unfortunately.

You don't have translated your help manual in different languages because it's too expensive and/or it's a too big job ?

Pretty much. Have you seen the size of that thing? :slight_smile:

Plus it is not just the work of translating the manual that you see today, and ensuring the translations of a large technical document are accurate, but also keeping the translations in sync as we add to and change the manual to reflect new features, or fix incorrect or unclear information.

Around 385k words -> 38.5k USD per language or so.

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Yes I have seen the size :wink: I'm very impressive by your effort to explain everything in details.

I have done some translations of help manual and software. It's true, it's a constant effort to update the help to the last native version.

English manual updated with every minor upgrade, but the other language's manual updated along with the major upgrade is enough.
If you share the manual's html files and give us free translate permission(I've noticed that there are translation copyright in "Copyright Notice "), we can compare them use Beyond Compare etc. to update. You do not need to pay an extra fee, we can indicate that the translation is "unofficial", so you don't need to explain it at all.