Help needed for button

Hi everybody,

the last complicated buttons I made were for DOpus 4 so I'd love to have help from some of those geniuses doing the needed task in rather less than 5 minutes compared to more than 5 hours :slight_smile:

I'd like select several subfolders in the current folder and press a button doing this:
archiving each of the subfolders into a 7z file with the name of the selected folder in the current folder. Afterwards the subfolder(s) should be deleted providing the archive process was succesful.

I select the two folders FOO and BAR.

Afterwards the two folders are gone and I have: FOO.7z and BAR.7z

Thanks in advance

Doing this with zip is pretty simple:

Copy HERE ARCHIVE=single Delete

(You could use Delete QUIET to avoid the delete confirmation, but I think it's safer to keep it, just in case you click the button by mistake or something goes wrong during the archiving which doesn't stop the whole command.)

Doing it with 7z instead of Zip turns out to be difficult, if you need it to work with more than one folder, although it's easy enough if you have 7-Zip itself installed and don't mind using it instead of the built-in 7z support in Opus:

"/programfiles\7-Zip\7zG.exe" a -t7z {filepath$|ext=.7z|noterm} {filepath$}* Delete