Sorry, those examples couldn´t bring me closer. Obviously, my attempts are still wrong:
Nevertheless i would expect this very basic filter to find folders under M: with the label "bld3".
Yes, you´re right, that´s a little cosmetic error. I would say, both words should be lower case or at least the same case. I will report it in the other forum, thanks.
No, filtering below M:\ or L:\Musik is just fine, because i keep most of my music there, & it´s speeding up the search a lot.
Sure. In this example, i would expect those three marker style labeled folders to be found, because the label is called "bld3" & it´s under M:. I also tried just "M:" instead "M:*". Even if the two lower labeled folders, which are junctions, are perhaps not to be found (because actually they are on L:\Musik2), the upper folder should be found.
That was only, because i must have switched sides. But i don´t want to use the panel anyway, because i find it very circumstantial. I would like to hardcode the search into a button for those two or three locations, using a filter.
In the panel, i also have the problem, that i can search only in one location, whereas i want two. I can add a second location, but it seems to disappear after i click the search button.
I managed to get some find results meanwhile, but they appear to be incomplete. The folders i expect to find have a label, which is determined by the fact, that the items are newer than 15 days, resulting in the "bld3" label, which works fine so far.
Also, i saved the search in the panel, but have to set the location part manually every time i use it. That´s why i don´t like the search panel too much & try to avoid it, wherever it is possible, sorry . Frankly, i don´t really understand the whole logic behind it sometimes, but i´m happy with my FIND IN ... QUERY solution anyway for normal searches.
I´ve added a new screenshot. As you can see, there are two labeled new folders, plus the location
seems also to be alright. But for some reason neither of those folders are returned when
i click the sreach button. I also moved both label related items in a subclause, but there are
still no hits.
You're mixing And and Or (Und and Oder) within the same level again. You need to use subclauses to group them, like using brackets to group an equation.
You do not need to use subclauses when only using And or Or; it's only when you have a mixture of And and Or that you need subclauses.
It might be worth re-reading my first reply, and the examples in the manual page I linked to. (The manual page is better than my reply.)
I still can't see the name of the label(s) in your screenshot. I'm expecting to see "bld" or similar in one of the file display columns.
It's possible that only simple labels work; I'm not sure but I only tested a simple label earlier. It'd make sense if you simplify things as much as possible, and then add on extra details on top so that you can see where it stops finding what you expect it to find, and can then work out why.
I suggest only searching in one folder, and not searching for the labels at all, to begin with. If that gets the results you expect, add one of the labels into the filter and see if you still get the results you expect. Starting with the most complex filter, doing multiple locations and labels, will make things much more difficult because there may be more than one problem but you won't see a change until both are solved.
I don't think it makes sense to talk about the other general complains with the find panel here. They'd be better in a separate thread, as this one has enough to keep track of.
[quote="leo"]You're mixing And and Or (Und and Oder) within the same level again. You need to use subclauses to group them, like using brackets to group an equation.
You do not need to use subclauses when only using And or Or; it's only when you have a mixture of And and Or that you need subclauses.
It might be worth re-reading my first reply, and the examples in the manual page I linked to. (The manual page is better than my reply.)[/quote]
Yes, seems i have to plunge into that more deeply. Sorry for misunderstanding, but it´s quite puzzling to me, since i rarely use anything beside my old
search buttons, which i had set up years ago & forgot about the most details.
That´s, because i like to save the screen space, but i am positive that i´m searching the right labels.
I will try that. I i understand you right, it´s possible, that time related filtering isn´t considered in the search yet. I have a hint in that direction, because all findings had manually assigned bld or bld3 labels, whereas the time generated ones were missing.
[quote]I suggest only searching in one folder, and not searching for the labels at all, to begin with. If that gets the results you expect, add one of the labels into the filter and see if you still get the results you expect. Starting with the most complex filter, doing multiple locations and labels, will make things much more difficult because there may be more than one problem but you won't see a change until both are solved.
I don't think it makes sense to talk about the other general complains with the find panel here. They'd be better in a separate thread, as this one has enough to keep track of.[/quote]
Ok, sorry for that criticism, i just wanted to explain, why i´m trying to use a simple hard coded button. I will go through the steps you´ve suggested taking a little more time, building it up step by step. Thanks, Leo.