Help using SHA-1 Checksums function

I've successfully used the SHA-1 Checksum function in the past (also MD5),
but today trying to check a BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe file from

I don't get a match to the BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe.sha256 file
and it's likely I'm not following a correct procedure.

When I open the BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe.sha256 file in Notepad++ it shows:

7a515dd9a6c98c6ad9ae7854752f04825b5ef709b8f6b4c7c6904458fa1d1167 BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup_114_1_52_126.exe

But when I highlight the BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe file then click on dOpus SHA-1
and copy to clipboard, it shows:

BraveBrowserStandaloneSetup.exe.sha256 : a46005d7c3df9b6fa74a5b162d4fe882b0d81014

I'd appreciate help to learn about and understand this, Thanks ~

You are comparing the SHA-1 against the SHA-256 checksum. There is a slight difference :wink:

BTW: OpenHashTab is a nice tool.

Once again - many Thx for your help :slight_smile: Works beautifully -

In searching the forum before posting for Help,
I came across HashTab and installed it - but it didn't contain the SHA-256 -

{teaches me to pay closer attention to what I'm trying to "Compare"}

I might've guessed that from the fact that he's 'discontinued' dev. on that,

and then the OpenHashTab guy makes mention of the similarities w/ HashTab,
but no direct code usage.

Anyways, I'm good-to-go for authenticity/security checking now.