Help with copy

I am having trouble with a filter I will use with the copy command. Here are the steps I need to achieve.

  1. Create a folder with name of "Testing" + current date.
  2. Copy only certain files from a different folder to the folder just created.

Everything works ok except the filter seems to be ignored.

Here is my code:
Copy FILE="F:\DotNetLibraries\VisualStudio2005\Projects\Libraries*" TO="F:\copy test\Testing{date|MM''dd''yyyy}" FILTER="Libraries_Transfer.flt"

Any ideas?
I know I almost have it, but missing something.

I also attached the filter screenshot.


Here is the actual filter

Hello checlark,

I'm sorry if I'm wrong, it is very late here.
The filter is not the problem.

[quote]I need to achieve.

  1. Create a folder with name of "Testing" + current date.
  2. Copy only certain files from a different folder to the folder just created.
    The problem is 1.
    Create a folder with name of "Testing" + current date.

I think you need to either create the folder "Testing" first, or use Copy Createfolder .


I originally tried creating the folder first but the results were the same.
The code works perfect as it is in the first post, just that the filter is being ignored.
The folder is being created and the files are copied but it is copying all files including the ones I specified not to copy with the filter.

One question is does it matter which order the commands are written? Is the order of commands correct in the original post?


Try FILTER="Libraries_Transfer" without the .flt on the end.

Here is the latest code I am trying:
CreateFolder NAME="F:\Storage\Copy_Test\Testing{date|MM''dd''yyyy}"
Copy FILE="F:\DotNetLibraries\VisualStudio2005\Projects\Libraries*" TO="F:\Storage\Copy_Test\Testing{date|MM''dd''yyyy}" FILTER="Libraries_Transfer.flt"

When performing a search with this filter it works fine. I also noticed that if I have the "copy filter" option checked it asks me which filter to use and that works great but I want to just press a button without being asked which filter.

You helped me before with a problem like this and I tried applying the solution for that problem to this problem with no luck.

Thanks for the help,

You've still got the .flt on the end there. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I indicated in the subject that leaving the extension off gave the same results.


Does this work ?

Copy "F:\DotNetLibraries\VisualStudio2005\Projects\Libraries\*" Createfolder "F:\Storage\Copy_Test\Testing{date|MM'_'dd'_'yyyy}" FILTER="Libraries_Transfer"
This is all one line of course.
I made a button similar to this and it is working here.


Yes, that did the trick!

How do I determine if I need to use the "FILE=" or the "TO="?
It looks like besides the extension removal the only difference is not including the above attributes.

Thanks for your help!

Wonderful ! I'm glad it is working for you now.

That is a subject open to discussion .

Good Luck,

You're actually still using the FILE argument, since it's implicit. The real difference is that you're giving the destination folder to the CREATEFOLDER argument instead of the TO argument.


is the same as


(since FILE is a "/M" type argument), and also the same as


(the = signs are generally optional unless the thing after them might be interpreted as another argument).

See the start of the Opus Raw Commands chapter in the manual for a description of what /M, /O, etc. mean.