Hidden location bar

I normally use the F4 key to jump to the location bar to type in a destination but the other day I found out there is another hidden location bar. When I was editing my keyboard shortcuts I noticed that Shift + Enter makes a location bar appear at the bottom of the lister. What is this other location bar for and how does it differ from the main location bar?

I think it's just in case you don't have any other location bar visible.

(I tried a config without any location bar for a while, but I got sick of it. I know one or two users have configs without any toolbars at all, though.)

You can change the hotkeys that the normal location field and the pop-up one use, or remove the hotkeys entirely if you want.

oh thanks nudel, i couldn't do without the main location bar though.

I use both, depending on whether my fingers are nearer F4 or Shift-Return when I start typing. :slight_smile: