Hide horizontal bar

I selected
"fully automatic scrolling (no visible scrollbar)"
but the bar is still there


Only in the tree horizontal scroll:

Are you using an old version?

i want the scroll to be active (with mousewheel), but i want to hide the bar

ok my mistake. i want to remove the horizonta scroll bar in the main panel..
since it's the only horizontal setting i found i thought it was the one i was looking for.

how do i remove it in the main panel?

That one will always be there if the columns are wide enough to need it.

You can configure less important columns to auto-shrink (even vanishing entirely) when the window isn't large enough. This video goes into that in detail:

i don't have many columns, it's just list view with a lot of files and long filenames
the scrollbar is not needed since i can do the same thing just scrolling the mousewheel