Hide identical filenames on both sides of a lister

Could we have the ability to hide files with identical filenames (not content) present on both sides of the lister (different folders). This would be useful if you compare structure and sequence and don't care if the actual files might differ a bit. Can act as an extension to navlock mode as well.

I know the synchronizer works similarly but only on folders and not inside archives.
As it is it also lacks the most simple comparator which is just filename - without comparing sizes, dates, content, etc. Invoking it just to check the difference is also too cumbersome when compared to a one-click filter button due to results being displayed in collections and not the actual location view.

Scripted filters could be another way of doing it but I'm not aware if that is currently possible.

Thanks in advance.

To hide files and folders with the same names on left and right:


function OnClick(clickData)
	var cmdSource = clickData.func.command;

	var cmdDest = DOpus.create.command;

	cmdSource.RunCommand("Select DESELECTNOMATCH SOURCETODEST=in");
	cmdDest.RunCommand("Select DESELECTNOMATCH SOURCETODEST=in");
	cmdSource.RunCommand("Select NOPATTERN HIDESEL");
	cmdDest.RunCommand("Select NOPATTERN HIDESEL");

To stop hiding things and return to normal:


function OnClick(clickData)
	var cmdSource = clickData.func.command;

	var cmdDest = DOpus.create.command;

	cmdSource.RunCommand("Select NOPATTERN SHOWHIDDEN");
	cmdDest.RunCommand("Select NOPATTERN SHOWHIDDEN");

Works like a dream. Many thanks Leo :smile: