Hide the DOpus' title bar

I want to hide the title bar automatically when open a new lister, is there any way to get this feature by vbscript?

The titlebar at the top of the window? You can't hide that.

Here's a tiny AutoHotkey script that toggles the active window's title bar:

  WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, A

  WinSet, Style, ^0xC00000, A

  WinMove, A, , X, Y, Width, Height-1
  WinMove, A, , X, Y, Width, Height

Save the above as TitleToggle.ahk and run that from 'outside' Opus. This assumes AutoHotkey installed, obviously. The code can be modified to be simply run once - perhaps even from within Opus - without anything remaining loaded or resident.

Hotkey is set to Win+Alt+T, but you can change it to anything you like.

The two WinMove lines are a shameful kludge to convince Opus to refresh the status bar(s) at the bottom. There are probably infinitely more elegant ways to achieve this (by posting a message or two, most likely), but I couldn't find the right message(s) in a few minutes of poking, so this will do for now.

The window's system menu is still accessible via Alt+Space even when there's no title bar, so you don't lose much: you can still move the window via keyboard, maximize, minimize, etc.

Reference: AHK Help for WinSet.


If you use a hack like this, it's unsupported and may trigger bugs. If you run into any problems of any type, please remove the hack to the window frames first to see if the problems still occur before reporting them.