I'm using Opus to change the name of my image files, of which I have received tremendous help on this forum. I'm using Dragon, no typing, to enter the name. I have one small problem to solve.
When I use the arrow to go down to the next record, if the previous record had been select, I will have no problem the record name will be active. If I use CTRL+3 it brings up a box where I can rename the record. That is unacceptable for my needs.
I need to be able to arrow down on the record, ready for a change, without first having click on the record. Is there a hot key to rename a file other than the CTRL+3?
Maybe F2 (inline rename) is what you want. Push F2 to go into rename mode, then you can type over filenames, use the arrow keys to move to other files, and type over them as well; when you are finished push return.
I DID! I probably concentrated too much on the word rename. And here it was the fifth from the top of the list. Well at least I get to move on and say again. Thanks again Leo !!
if I used the following code it should change date and and go to the next filename where I can enter a new filename.
SetAttr MODIFIED=now
Select NEXT
The problem is that I have to remove the top line " SetAttr MODIFIED=now" in order for it continue. Is there something that I need to do to the date line in order for it to function.
Select NEXT
Using these two lines, I can still advance to the next record and change it.
Here, one day later it seems to work fine using the following code. The code is same as yesterday. I guess it's best to sleep on it sometimes.
SetAttr MODIFIED=now
Select NEXT