Hotkey bug? (French keyboard number keys)

if find something when i assign hotkey 1~0 (not in numpad).
when i close custom window and re-open, shortcut is replace.

1 replace by up
2 replace by up
3 replace by down
4 replace by right
5 replace by down
6 inser
7/8/9/0 replace by nothing
°/+ are ok

And you ?

Hi and merry christmas...

nobody can confirm this "bug" ?

nudel, please can you test this... i need to know if it's my DO's settings or a bug...

Doesn't happen here. This is after closing and re-opening the Customize dialog:

Thanks… after investigation…
I try to add hotkey in a fresh install of directory Opus.
This problem appears only with hotkey not when I assign hotkey to button in toolbar.
I think there is problem why qwerty keyboard but with azerty…

In your video you're assigning & and é as the hotkeys, not 1 and 2. Does the problem happen with both, or only with & and é ?

yes i assign & and é because in azerty keyboard if i want to assign hotkey to 1 (not numpad) in need to press shift + & !!!
in qwerty you have 1, 2... and shift+1 = !, shift+2 = @...

Problem appear with all this keys (and combinaison shift and alt)...

Confirmed & reported after switching to a French keymap.

Fixed in