Hotkey Modifiers: Left/Right?

I am wondering if you are able to create hotkeys in Opus that distinguish between the left or right alt/ctrl/shift/win (or combination thereof) keys that are pressed on the keyboard?

I have several hotkeys setup in AutoHotKey in this manner, and it is an essential feature since I have the need for so many.

Without being able to distinguish left/right, the number of hotky modifier combinations is limited to 15.

With being able to distinguish left/right, the number of hotky modifier combinations opens up to 255.

Seems to... is there something preventing you from just creating a few hotkeys like you describe and verifying it works the way you want?

Yes. If I go into settings-->customize-->keys, and create a new hotkey by holding on the keyboard the left Win, left Ctrl and A, it appears as "Win + Ctrl + A" next to "Hotkey". It should instead appear as something like "LWin + LCtrl + A".

After creating this hotkey, if I hold the left Win, right Ctrl and A, the above action is triggered, but it should NOT be. I want to assign left Win, right Ctrl and A to something else.

The benefits of being able to differentiate the left or right meta keys extend beyond my uses -- obviously, it would be quite nice to be able to configure hotkeys in Opus so that Left Control + something triggers an action in the left tree, and Right Control + something triggers the same action but in the right tree in "Dual Vertical" mode.

I COMPLETELY misunderstood what you were asking about... Sorry bout that. But I think you've answered your own question by explaining what you've tried...

This is something you'd have to make a program suggestion to GPSoft for.

Thought: before we could bind the TAB key for use in Opus hotkey's ppl could modify the hotkey data manually in order to specify the ascii control code representing the TAB key... are there such codes that distinguish left/right function keys? I haven't googled around to find out... just curious.

Alternatively, you could continue to use AutoHotkey to run Opus commands if there are Opus specific things you want to do... I use a single AutoHotkey script in order to allow mouse button navigation (back/foward) in listers similar to how Opera works...

Yes, i know -- but it would be nice to do it directly in Opus. Something like an option shown in attach image.

I do this exact same thing, it works great!

There must be, if autohotkey and other macro recording programs can hook into them.

There must be, if autohotkey and other macro recording programs can hook into them.[/quote]
Not necessarily... I'm not sure 'ascii control code' is even the right term. There are also 'keyboard scan' codes. Either way, Opus used to store the hotkey info in the registry in some 'control code' form... so wihle not supported, you used to be able to hack it before Opus officially allowed us to use things like the TAB key in hotkeys... And if you look at AutoHotkey, it references the keys using some generic key name language (LButton, RButton, etc etc), and it may not be as 'ascii control codes' that it internally makes sense of it all.

Note: It's all irrelevant anyway. What I was thinking was that if there was some control/scan code thingy representing the Left and Right function keys (control keys? meta keys? whatever they're collectively called)... that we could use the old hack we used to be able to do in the Opus registry. Having just looked at the current version of Opus (v9.1) hotkey config 'file'... We can no longer use such hacks because all hotkeys are entered in the config file using the 'friendly' names.

So... all this means that we just need to request GPSoft to natively support differentiation between left and right side keys. Submit a feature request... Something along the lines of what you screen-capped above should do the trick from an interface perspective.