Hi Leo,
Actually I have had much of this discussion before, about 15 months ago when I was evaluating DOpus prior to purchase, see thread
resource.dopus.com/viewtopic.php ... highlight=
In the intervening year I still have not got DOpus to save configs in the way I had envisaged.
Lister Layouts seem to only store stuff like the current windows you have open, the paths in them, etc
Reverting to a saved Layout puts you in the saved environment.
I am not interested in saving the environment I want to save the status of the DOpus confuguration. With the thousands of combinations of config options it is impossible to remember a whole config. And it is very time consuming to tune and tweek the config, as one has to go through the options, often check help etc to understand them, etc
So my approach would be to spend time getting DOPus set up for a particular task and then to be able to save that config.
I would envisage say having three DOpus Icons on my desktop "Files" "Media" "Audio" Each would open DOpus with a completely different set of Tabs, Folder Layouts, Options etc. I would be able to have say Files and Audio open at the same time, giving 2 instances of DOpus each with different layouts and settings, which I could then use to perform different tasks, eg Manage my audio collection with one while managing files on file servers with the other.
Currently All those type fo settings are Global, so regardless of which Lister Layout I load, I get the same tabs same folder options etc.
So I then have to spend considerable time adjusting all the options to get things the way I want them.
So my current approach is to have tons of tabs all set up for different tasks which is messy and not really that efficient.
I currently have 10 tabs to achieve this.
Standard ones, Explorer Images, Filmstrip, Dual Vert, Dual Horiz, Commander, Single.
My Customised Tabs "File Details", "ThumbSorter", "FileManager"
As an Example for my "File Manager" DOpus I would Have Explorer, FileDetails, FileManager, and Dual Vertical