How do i activate the text plugin?

I installed the text plugin on my DOPUS version. How do I get it to view my text files? Obviously, not by hitting ENTER.

Try the viewer.

Which plugin do you mean? The normal text viewer plugin comes with Opus and isn't something you'd install.

Yeah, indeed. It's the viewer pane I was talking about. However, can I have a similar view of text files using the dual explorer style, perhaps there's a hotkey?

F7 toggles the viewer pane by default. You can change it to whatever you want.

I have expressed myself unclearly, my fault.
Ok. Opening a text file with whatever editor (I prefer notepad++) is a waste of time and resources when you just want to view its content.
Before I shifted to Directory Opus, I heavily worked with the Far file manager, which you know. In Far, when over a text file, pressing F3 leads to my desired view. That's what I want also in DOPUS.
Sorry, when I express myself cumbersome; English is not my native tongue.

If you want a separate window, try the standalone viewer. It works for text files and even allows you to copy text.

That's right, Ixp. Please allow another stupid question: How do I invoke the standalone viewer?

With the Show command.!Documents/Show.htm

That's behind this button

2023-10-17 - 09.48.50 - D__(CTC2206_-12.33-_Mv12.33.0.stockDOPUS)

You could assign a hotkey

Ah, yes! That solves my issue! Many thanks, Ixp!

Hi, it's me again. Obviously, I don't get it. I created a new command (cf. screenshot) and assigned a hotkey, F3. Pressing F3 when on over text file does - nothing. Perhaps I should sell my computer and deal with simpler things like scratching my head.

Just put Show back and you'll be fine :slight_smile:

Poor me, I set the wrong hotkey type, a viewer hotkey instead of a local hotkey! Now everything works as it should. Thanks a lot and forgive an old man his stupidity.
Still, I'm thinking of buying an abacus. Maybe that would suit me better....

Nay. Get Opus v13. More fun!

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Opus 13? I still have Version 12.33 x64 Build 8659 16.09.2023. Where to get Opus 13? Is it a beta or an official release?

Yes, still beta. But already fun :partying_face: