How do I change what program opens image files

How do I change what program opens image files?
When I open an image file it always opens it in Paintshop Pro.
I have another program chosen for image files.
There must be another area to change this preference.
Can someone direct me to this area.


Your best bet is just to set the file associations from within Paint Shop Pro.

I dont know where to set the associations.
Thats the problem.
The file says Paint shop Pro but I think it is the Opus Viewer.
I am to new to this program to know what it is doing.
The upper left corner is the Opus symbol.
So it must be using Opus to open it.
There must be a setting in there somewhere to use my image program.


Try changing this setting:

I am using Opus 9.
I could not find that setting that you indicated but I did find:

Settings, Preferences, File Operations, Double Click on files,
(Uncheck) Use Internal Picture Viewer
That did the trick.


[quote="beamone"]I am using Opus 9.
I could not find that setting that you indicated but I did find:

Settings, Preferences, File Operations, Double Click on files,
(Uncheck) Use Internal Picture Viewer
That did the trick.[/quote]

That's exactly the setting shown in the screenshot. :open_mouth:

I've used the filter at the bottom of the preferences dialog to remove a lot of preferences options and to highlight the one relevant - that's probably why it looks different to you.

Don't forget to check the FAQs. This question was answered by the one called Stop the Opus image viewer from being used by default.

I can see now that it is the same thing. I did'nt know about the filters. I tried looking it up in the FAQs 1st but didnt find it. Thanks for directing me to it.
Another program I have to learn.

