How do I get the logs/tools to be larger when I open them

When I open a log or one of the tools you get the display across the bottom but the size is very small. Is there a way to get it to open larger? In the older version I seem to recall them opening to show the entire panel. Can I get back to that?

Settings > Set Lister Defaults will save their last size (or current size if they're still open).

(It'll also save automatically if the setting to auto-save the lister defaults when closing a window is on.)

I don't have "Set Lister Defaults" under settings.

The autosave will save everything not just that panel. Meaning next time I open a lister whatever was last across the bottom will be there. That's not what I want to accomplish. I just want to have a more normal sized panel when I choose to open it without having to drag it everytime.

If you have old toolbars, it might be named "Set Lister Defaults". Opens the same thing either way.

If you don't have either menu item, get it from Settings > Customize > Default Toolbars.

This is all I see.


Set Lister Defaults = Set As Default Lister

IIsn't that going to make the bottom panel display everytime I open a default lister?

Close the log and "Set As Default Lister" a second time.