How do unique find results collections work

I don't understand how uniquely named Find Results collections are supposed to work. Given

if I just change the Name Matching: to something else, say .au3 and click Find again, the new results replace the current ones.

I'm using and Preferences -> Miscellaneous -> Advanced -> find_unique_collections is true.

I suspect I'm somehow completely missing the point here.

If you have two Listers open and use the find panel in both simultaneously, and the collection name is the same in both, Opus will automatically append a number to the name to avoid the two Find operations conflicting.

Oh, two listers. I see.

I'm just trying to understand this function. I haven't actually discovered much use for it yet.

It seems to me that if I really did want it, I'd like it to work if Find was invoked multiple times in a single lister though.

I "never" open two listers except by accident or to see how something like this works.