How should I set the Context Menu "Properties" shortcut key to R for all file types?

There are some file types whose shortcut keys are not R.
For example, .mp3 (use Y), .flac (use T), .zip (use 0)
How do I need to unify them all using R?

R on itself is not a standard shortcut (neither are Y, .T and 0)
I suggest you go and see how your shortcuts are defined and look at the way Y and T and 0 shortcuts are defined. It should help you see how to change them.
Shortcuts lists is in one of the tabs of the Customize dialog. There you can even filter on the shortcut to locate it

I'm referring to the context menu that opens when you right-click on the file.
If DO13 is in English, Properties it can be opened with R.
But the shortcut keys will change when using Traditional Chinese.
In the figure it is (T), and the Delete use the(R)
I don't know what the problem is there.

I tried switching to other languages ​​like Simplified Chinese
The property shortcut key of .flac will change to Y.
this is very confusing.

Sorry, I don't have any shortcut in my context menu : neither the one I set-up or the standard Windows one ...

I think it may be that the DO language pack has some changes to the preset shortcut keys in different languages.
I tried Portuguese, right click the file and using "R" doesn't open properties.

In the .jpg file, properties are R
Rename use (9), delete use (8)

Maybe I need to reset some settings to fix it.
I have tried a full reset DO
but it's no use.

ok I have some new discoveries
Because some of the programs I installed will generate a right-click context menu.
They use some shortcut keys
In this case disabling them in DO will cause the default shortcut keys to change
Is there a way to disable changing the default context menu shortcut keys?

I'm back to version 13.6
Completely solved the problem
This may be a BUG in the new version(13.9)

Shortcut keys in context menus are automatically assigned in newer versions.

We can probably improve the algorithm used to assign them, for things like the Properties item.

Or should there be an option to disable this function or fix the shortcut keys for system functions?
For example, Properties fix as R (default value)
Delete as D

Because if system functions are automatically assigned to other shortcut keys, I believe it would be confusing.

We'll change this in the next beta.


There should be an option to disable this - I'd like to have conflict shortcuts (because I already get used to them) instead of having everything randomly assigned and keep selecting wrong menu, which could be dangerous depending on tools you installed.

It has been changed back already, if you install the current beta.

I can confirm it works as expected in 13.9.3 beta, thank you!

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