How to (1) rename & replace at the same time & (2) search for files that do not have parent folder in their name

I use a naming convention as follows: parent_file-name-in-parts.ext
(where parent is the folder name, seperated by an underscore from the filename that has dashes as word-seperators)

When applying this convention to a new file (e.g. "New file.ext"), I work in two steps:
a. I apply with button1 a preset standard rename scheme that replaces * with {parent1}_*
b. to convert remaining empty spaces to dashes, I use button2 to run:

Two questions:

  1. Can I do this in one movement/ with one button click?
  2. Is there a way to scan for files below a certain folder that do not follow the baove naming convention?

Thx for pointing me in the right direction...
A new user from Belgium

In a button, you can run one Rename command after the other. Add the NOMATCHNOFAIL argument to the first Rename to prevent it from preventing files it doesn't modify from going through to the second one.

Alternatively, you can use a Rename Script to do everything from a single preset / command, which will also allow you to do everything in one go using the interactive Rename dialog.

Finding files based on a property of both their name and their parent's name is trickier, but could be done using a Script Column which displays e.g. Yes or No for each item, indicating whether it has the right type of name. You could then use that column as one of the criteria when doing a Find.
