OK, I'm a newbie. But after a couple hours of wading through all the help I can find, I still can't figure out how to add MSWord to the list of applications that comes up when I choose New on the File menu. Where can I find instructions for this subject?
Use Microsoft's TweakUI, on the Templates page.
If you only want to use the item from Opus then this command should work on the Lister Contest Menu:
FileType NEW=.doc
It's also much, much quicker than using the real New menu which takes a while to populate for whatever reason.
But, if you want to do it "properly" and have the item work in Explorer as well as Opus then go the TweakUI route.
(That said, doesn't Word add this by itself? I've got it on my computer and didn't add it by hand.)
New File from template menu is actually provided by Windows, not by Opus. Opus just provides a place to hang this menu off its toolbars and context menus.
See my post here describing how to add a .cmd file to the new menu. The same process can be used for MS Word.