How to add missing Metadata in file view columns

Is it possible to add the data for Mood and Replaygain in the columns->music list?

Not built-in, but Mood looks like a column that Explorer has it should be possible to add that to Opus with a few lines of script code, assuming the column in Explorer shows what you want for your files. (We can help with that if you link your account.)

I don't think Explorer has a ReplayGain column, and nor does Opus, so that would probably need a shell extension (or a much more complicated script). If a shell extension is installed which adds the column to Explorer then it should also be available in Opus, either under the Other category or via a short script similar to the Mood column.

Yes, the mood column shows what i want.

the replaygain data is not so important. i'm happy when i see the moods

i noticed Dopus does not show embedded covers of FLAC files, explorer does.

Here it does, unsure why.

FFmpeg's ffprobe could be used to create a custom script column for ReplayGain.

Support for FLAC coverart is built in. If you have some that don't show covers, please send us a sample file to look at.

(If it's FLAC mistagged with ID3, that might be why. We support FLAC's native tag format but some programs blindly write ID3 on to absolutely anything, which is out of spec. But it could be other, more subtle issues about how the covers have been added.)