Based on what you have described here, this is exactly what the standard Copy command does. You select a number of folders or files in the source lister pane, click on the Copy button, and Opus copies them to the destination lister pane. So this description is most likely inaccurate of what you are really trying to accomplish.
[quote]I've tried the following but it isn't working. Would someone please point out where I am going wrong?
sync:dopusrt /cmd Go E:\Customers
sync:dopusrt /cmd Select {s}
sync:dopusrt /cmd go F:\Backups\Customers
sync:dopusrt /cmd Set STATE=Dest
sync:dopusrt /cmd copy
I'm not sure, but based on your code above, it seems like you are trying explicitly name a source and destination folder.
The command sync:dopusrt /cmd Select {s} is telling Opus to select what is already selected, except after the Go command above this line, nothing will be selected because the Go command tells Opus to list a new path, wiping out any current selection.
Considering that your two folder paths were named "Customers" and "Backups\Customers", I'm guessing you want to take routine backups up some folders. If that is the case, try this:
sync: dopusrt /CMD Go OPENINLEFT PATH "E:\Customers"
sync: dopusrt /CMD Go OPENINRIGHT PATH "F:\Backups\Customers"
sync: dopusrt /CMD Set SOURCE=Left FOCUS=Left
sync: dopusrt /CMD Select ALL
sync: dopusrt /CMD Copy UPDATEALL WHENEXISTS=replace FORCE
NOTE: The OPENINRIGHT option will cause issues if you do not type the PATH option prior to specifying the path. Ordinarily, the PATH option itself does not need to be typed. However, OPENINRIGHT accepts options parameters which complicates the issue.
So the button above will open "E:\Customers" on the left, and "F:\Backups\Customers" on the right. the button forces the left lister pane to both have focus and be the source. Then is selects all files. The copy command will only copy files that are different (do not exist, have a different size or a different date and time stamp). The WHENEXISTS=replace and FORCE options suppress all prompting set in Preferences.
NOTE: "Different" does not mean "Newer".