How to Change Non-vowels Alphabet into Upper Case?

I want to change all non-vowel alphabet (eg: CD, KM) into upper case in Vb Script, I would like to find all non-vowel alphabet using regex: (^| )([^aiueo]+)($| )

I'm not really understand about vb script, so if anybody can help me i really appreciate it. Thank you

I'm not familiar with the term "non-vocal alphabet". What does it mean?

The regular expression looks like it finds things that are not vowels, but one of your examples is "USB" which starts with a vowel so I guess we aren't talking about vowels. Or are we?

Hi Leo,
Thank you for your reply. I'm so sorry i mean vowels, i forgot non-vocal used in my native language. And i choose the wrong example. I will edit the first post :slightly_smiling_face: