How to color files & folders? / How to create symlinks?

  1. How to color individual folders and file types?
  2. How to use "Create Symlink" ?

select "Create Symlink" from the Copy menu or press Ctrl + backslash.

I don't see this option in the lister.

  1. Using Labels.

  2. The easiest way is via the Create Advanced Links menu, off the Copy Files button, discussed in Copying using the Toolbar Buttons. The page on Making Links and Junctions also mentions some other options. (Looking at the second page now, it looks like we forgot to update it to mention the buttons on the first page. We'll fix that in an update.)

  3. (Please remember, one question per thread and try to use thread titles which other people looking for the same answers might find when searching.)

There is also a utility called Link Shell Extension - although it may not be as useful as it once was