How to create a button that mimics "Win + V"

When I click a button, I'd like it to do the same as the Window Key + V. Basically, opening the clipboard.

I couldn't find how to do it in the FAQ/Help or forum. I tried with @keydown, but couldn't figure it out.

Many thanks in advance.

Did you try the command Clipboard Paste?

Thanks, but all that this did was to paste the content of my clipboard as a .txt file in DO. Not what I need.

What I want is what [WIN] + [V] does, which is to open the clipboard window (in Windows 10 at least)
In other words, how can I make it so that when I press a button, it would behave as if I pressed Win + V.

Yes, you're right of course, sorry. I was thinking about a normal paste alternative. I don't really know about that Windows clipboard function, but Leo will.

I don't know if the Windows Clipboard History feature offers any way to open it other than Win+V.

You might be able to set up a button to send Win+V as keyboard input (search the forum for "SendKeys" for examples) but I don't know if that would work with this particular hotkey/feature. It's really down to Windows more than Opus.

first one

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SendKeys doesn't seem to be able to send Win key, you may need a third party program.

#Requires AutoHotkey v2
send "#v"
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Well, after tons of trial and errors, I adapted a solution that Leo posted a while ago. I read the help file for nircmd.exe and found out that you can simply do this:

"C:\Program Files\nircmd\nircmd.exe" sendkey lwin down
"C:\Program Files\nircmd\nircmd.exe" sendkey v down  
"C:\Program Files\nircmd\nircmd.exe" sendkey lwin up 
"C:\Program Files\nircmd\nircmd.exe" sendkey v up  

It works :slight_smile:

Thank for everyone's help, I couldn't have found it without your references.


To make things even easier (and since we've had a few similar requests now), we'll add this in 13.3.2:

  • @sendkey command modifier
  • DOpus.SendKey script method

Both can inject a keypress into the system. E.g. @sendkey:win+v


DOpus.SendKey() not yet documented, how is it used please, for example CAPS LOCK

I'm afraid it hasn't been added yet. waiting for 13.3.2