How to display drive name in address bar?

For example, now is C:\ D:\
I named drive C as "windows" , drive D as "data"
I want to show as C(windows):\ D:(data):\ thus I can see drive name in address bar. Anyway to do this?

Add drivelabel to the Breadcrumbs Configuration.!Documents/Breadcrumbs_Configuration.htm


That works, thx

None of the arguments are working for me?
I tried to use drivelabel and it didn't work. Tried removing everything and just added noghostpath and the ghostpath is still showing up.

Opus 13 is a bit different. Look here: Preferences / Location Bar / Path Fields

Path field appearance and behavior is now configurable via the Preferences UI. (The old path field "args" string no longer needs to be edited manually, unless you want to override something for just one particular field.)

Location Bar

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