This is really part of my request for help on excluding the recycle bin from C: drive searches.
My usual reason for making that search is to find downloaded programs that have sneakily been saved to somewhere other than my default downloads folder.
I would like to add a date filter to my search, so that the search finds all files on C: which have been downloaded today, or in the past week.
So I add Date and Match. But a downloaded file may have been saved (by its originator, not me) this week, this year, or ten years ago. So should I use 'Created', 'Accessed' or 'Modified'? -- I don't know when it was created or modified, and I haven't yet accessed it, since I've just downloaded it.
I would try Created in this case. Downloads usually have their Created date set/left as the date they were downloaded.
Modified may also work, depending on whether the program downloading the file sets it to the download date or the file's original date on the server.
Accessed is almost never useful on Windows.
Leo, thanks--for both replies. I've now got a nice filter for .exe and .zip, excluding Recycle Bin and a couple of other long boring folders, and an 'After' date. 'Created' didn't find the files I'd recently downloaded, but 'Modified' did.
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