How to find files with odd size?


I've tried to find WAV files with an odd size (corrupt) in my music folder (and sub-folders).

  1. Tried to use Flat View (Mixed No Folders), Menu Edit / Copy Others / Complete Folder Listing ... but result is only the main folder (which shows the sub-folders only) (then I could sort the file by the column with the first place of the size).

  2. Tried to find all *.wav files and search for size with regex (which ends with 1,3,5,7,9) but regex on size is not possible ...

Any other idea?


As a workaround I made a CMD: "dir *.wav /N /S > wavfiles.txt" and followed my step 1 above.

However, using ALL possible columns with regex would be great. And as far as I can see not all possible columns are supported.


I don't think there's any direct way to do that within Opus. We can only search/filter by comparing sizes (= < > etc. comparisons).

I am not sure how useful enabling regexps for sizes would be, though, compared to how much extra complication it would add to the UI and how many people would use it.

Thanks a lot leo.

It's not important. I've asked if I have overseen something.

However - if "Menu Edit / Copy Others / Complete Folder Listing" would work in flat view mode it would be great. I've tried to add a context menu (as I have with COPYNAMES) but I couldn't find the command for it.

Thanks a lot,

If you edit the Complete Folder Listing menu item and change the FLATVIEW=no to FLATVIEW=yes, it should do what you want. (I think at the moment, the Print-Folder command doesn't inherit the current window's flatview state.)

Here's a Rename script you can use to identify odd file sizes. Just select your files to test, and use Rename's preview window. And then abort the rename.
Size is (534 Bytes)

Thanks a lot LEO,

just tried it, but didn't add the FLATVIEW argument but set FOLDERS=selected.

I find all *.wav on my hard disc, select all and select my print command ... but it is sooooo very slow. Running now 3 minutes and has 12 %.

In the find listing are ~15.268 WAV files - all the data is there to browse (file name, ext, size in bytes, size short (mb,kb,etc.), attr, modified, created, location, owner, type, description, duration.

So why does

"Print FOLDER=selected AS=tab TO=clip QUIET"

take so long? Now 5 minutes .. 23 %.


[quote="fuzi1968"]So why does

"Print FOLDER=selected AS=tab TO=clip QUIET"

take so long? Now 5 minutes .. 23 %.[/quote]

Thanks for letting us know about the problem there. We found an inefficiency in the code which is probably the cause of that and it should be fixed in the forthcoming