Mine is a very simple question: how can I gide files extensions?
Please help me!
Mine is a very simple question: how can I gide files extensions?
Please help me!
When editing Folder Options or a Folder Format, on the Display tab there is a checkbox called Hide file extension in Filename column.
(The option only affects Details and Power modes. In List/Thumbnails/Tiles/Icon modes I think the extensions are always shown.)
I usually have big icon mode, so there's no way to hide files extensions, isn'it?
It does work - just not for the icon/thumbnails modes as Leo said.
I've posted an official feature request asking that either the option is disabled in the dialog if the view mode is not details/power or alternatively if the function can be made to work in all modes.
To be honest though, it does say "... in the Filename column" which none of these other modes actually have. So it would also need to be given a new label if it's made to work with all modes.
It does not work if there is a conflict in the "Default Formats." I have yet to figure out whey there are so many formats or how they interact.
This program has a long learning curve, requiring a lot of patience. Too feature-rich for mere mortals. Certainly not something I would recommend to a regular computer user, and I'm not sure I can stand it.
It works fine - once you understand Folder Formats - for which there's a very good FAQ to read on this site...
Please don't assume things are broken or not working, simply because you don't understand them. All that does is muddy the waters for everyone and cause people to spend time testing and fiddling to confirm or deny bugs...
Hiding file extensions does not reliably work.
I have a single Folder Format checked, "custom," which cannot be unchecked or deleted.
It shows to hide the file extensions. The file lister does not respond to that.
The FAQ are disorganized. Searching on "folder format" brings up a bunch of noise entries. I could not find the FAQ on folder format.
I read the manual, which does not cover hiding file extensions via Folder Format option.
There is an sticky post at the top of the FAQ list...
Here's the FAQ [Folder Formats: Quick Guide)
Now, for the last time, hiding extensions works fine - it is NOT broken - it's just that other format are overriding the setting you have for custom - as intended. Read the FAQ I linked and spend some time understanding...
Thanks for the help.
This program needs adequate organization to documentation, which it lacks. Lacking an organized, extensible guide, the help file ought to list the documentation resources. A downloadable, updated help file is the best solution, so it could be readily updated, yet accessed offline. The patchwork system of documentation used now is a formula for user frustration.
It certainly seems like solid software, but arcane would be an understatement.
The help file is downloadable and is updated fairly often.
The online FAQs are organised if you don't overlook the very first FAQ which is an organised list of them (while the forum itself provides a list of them by date, which is equally useful to people who just want to read the new FAQs as they are posted).
Links to the help file, the FAQs, a Getting To Know tutorial and more are in the Help menu of the program.
Sure, the documentation isn't perfect. We keep a list of things people have mentioned are missing or unclear in the help file and it is updated by GPSoftware fairly regularly, as are the FAQs on this site. If there is something specific that you think is missing or unclear then let us know, but it feels here like you're complaining about things that you simply overlooked.
Dear Leo,
I'm quite agreed with Pathawk that the DOpus Help is very unvocal in many parts. Example absence is really perceivable in Help file. An example or image can tell more than 1000 words
Please combine each commands of Internal Commands Summary with an example. It is very very very very... important for understanding.
Best Regards