How to hide hidden files in the listers?


Folder tree needly hides hidden folders and files, but not the lister panes. How to hide them?

You could create a button using this XML code:

<?xml version="1.0"?> Hidden files Hidden files Show hidden files Set HIDEFILTERATTR Hidden files Don't show hidden files Set HIDEFILTERATTR h
  • Save the XML code as 'Hidden files.dcf'

  • Right click the toolbar -> customize -> drag and drop the dcf file onto the toolbar

  • Click Ok

  • Left click the button: show hidden files

  • Right click the button: don't show hidden files

You can simplify it slightly by just having a single button which runs Set HIDEFILTERATTR h since it will automatically act as a toggle.

Works great!

Is there a way to keep it toggled?

If you make the button then yes it will keep toggling.

I meant by default, without clicking on the button. But I already found it in the Folder Options (filters) :slight_smile: Now I can use the button to unhide system folders (and to hide hidden folders), which is great!

Thanks for the button code :smiley: