How to hide lister file type icon?

In custom listers, files are listed along with the file type icon. How do I disable and not show the file type icon in all listers? (However, I still want to see directory icons such as this pc, disk drives, network, etc.)

I probably missed a simple option?

You could use a label which sets all files to use a blank icon, but I'm not sure that is a good idea.

There isn't any other way that I know of to hide icons for files while keeping them for folders. Icons are either on or off.

Thanks, Leo. How, then, do I turn all Icons off?

Also, let me suggest an enhancement to be able to hide icons for files.

Good news! I found the option: file display modes / details / display icons. This turned off file type icons in file lists, while keeping high-level directory, network, etc. icons.