I had a hard drive crash and am slowly getting my configuration back, because I stupidly didn't do backups. Anyways, I came across some old Dopus configuration files from years ago. Some of them were filter files, with the ".flt" extension. Is there any way to import these into Dopus 10?. They are not in XML form.
Opus can automatically convert them, but only when converting an entire configuration that has been inherited/imported from an older version.
However, if you zip up the flt files and send them to me (or just attach them here, assuming there's nothing confidential in them), I will run the conversion process for you and send back the XML versions.
Here they are (type /dopusdata\Filters into the location field for where they should be copied to), though by the look if it they're probably not worth worrying about:
By the way, in the Files Only filter, the . wildcard that I highlighted in the screenshot will mean that you exclude files that don't have extensions. Use * on its own if you want to match everything.
You could also simplify the pix filter by combining the first two lines into one that matches *.(jpg|gif)
And if you do indeed want all files and no folders, current versions of Opus have a [Files Only] type selection now whereas perhaps older versions did not?
[quote="leo"]Here they are (type /dopusdata\Filters into the location field for where they should be copied to), though by the look if it they're probably not worth worrying about:
Thanks for your help. Dopus is the one program I use the most, but it is so replete with features that I don't get to understand all of them fully. I didn't think these filters would have been that important, but I was just curious what was in them if I had taken the time to set them up. I am just now getting the hang of regular expressions, since I am just a nerdy amateur, and not a programmer.