I have create a path fomat via preferences >> Folders >>> Folder Formats >>> Path Format
Here I have Select a folder like D:\2021
the folder 2021
have subfolders like Jan, Feb, Mar, .........Dec
I want the path format also work for those subfolders Jan, Feb, Mar, .........Dec
Isn't this an option in your new path format?
I bet I've seen this there, because I'm using path formats myself and get its setting to be inherited by its subfolders.
A path format is similar to a folder format and according to this manuel page https://www.gpsoft.com.au/help/opus12/index.html#!Documents/Prefs/Folder_Formats.htm
at the bottom, it reads Use as the default format for all sub-folders.
So this option should be available in your case, too.
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