How to include a path format for the subfolders?

I have create a path fomat via preferences >> Folders >>> Folder Formats >>> Path Format
Here I have Select a folder like D:\2021
the folder 2021 have subfolders like Jan, Feb, Mar, .........Dec
I want the path format also work for those subfolders Jan, Feb, Mar, .........Dec

Isn't this an option in your new path format?

I bet I've seen this there, because I'm using path formats myself and get its setting to be inherited by its subfolders.

can you please give some screenshot for better understanding?
This is how I add a path format

A path format is similar to a folder format and according to this manuel page!Documents/Prefs/Folder_Formats.htm
at the bottom, it reads Use as the default format for all sub-folders.

So this option should be available in your case, too.

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