How to load the default lister from a button?

Sorry, i can't find it. Searching in the help file is overwhelming. Was it Set, or Prefs, or Styles?
Prefs Layout came close, but i want to close the previous lister in that case, not having the new one on top. Also, i don't really know the name of the default lister, when i save it, making it difficult to load the right lister.

Edit, i was using a saved user layout for many years, as well as a button to load my preferred tab sets, but have changed now to only save the default lister, which is just two clicks instead of several style and tabgoup saves.



Thanks, that seems to work fine. So NEW is basically the name for my default lister? Or is it just some indirect effect? Anyway, it works. :+1:

Well, not really, it's an argument:!Documents/Go1.htm

The Go department is really a very big chunk. Good find.