How to make correct use of multiple Opus Instances?

First of all there is no files explorer so user friendly and awesome like this on our beloved planet. Probably Klingons or Star Trek people already had it in 80ies, but we are not them, aren't we? With humane touch in everything everything gets better. It would be great if there are more genial companies like dOpus to balance 'computer world' more equally with super greedy companies. Why? To give common people more fresh air and freedom of choice and creativity vs companies that pull out hart out of sense. With dOpus I have motivation to learn vb, cmd, pshell. These buttons are like Manuka Honey. Many thanks to dOpus team for their style of teaching and work! Also, here are good contributors as well. Let me explain, please.
Now, to get euphoria out of my way, I'd like to ask for and suggest something that makes sense.
I have multiple monitors. Metaphorically speaking playing tone by tone on guitar, you are distracted by every time having to look at which note to play, isn't it. Tabs and instances emphasize playing notes from book not from memory. Playing directly-from-memory you easily add creativity, improvisation, and emotion which is flawlesly streamlined and much faster then looking every time at every instance-title. That meaning, I am searching for organizing rule of instances. That will help memorization of projects, conceptualization, organizational skills ,through search of commonalities in projects. By looking at title-names you loose momentum and not once I found myself wondering what? where? I was looking. You get 4 instances and few tabs each. There is very easy to get wondering where you were. Not that I am belitteling anything or anyone god forbid! I just say that I thought of 2 ways to tame the multi-tasking. Make title bars get your color choice every time for every instance, or give each instance big fat bold one-digit number so I do not loose momentum by browsing around at slipStream-warp!-speed. I am thinking about possibility to quickly(btnClick) give a title-bar color or give-titleBar-number(20px-bold) simply with clicking on a button whenever you like to change it. For example, you set greenTab to picture-alike folders, yellow videos alike, red notepads,...documents 1, downloads 2, program files windows 3 and so on. Title-bar is first choice, beside each theme for each instance, but
one button that in that way can manipulate title-bar will be great help, hopefully not only to myself because all these 'digital'-people could group their file-types by color, number,
or even an icon that clearly-obviously differenitiate each instance in layout like screaming red or eye-flashing-white or fluorescent-green if we go to extreme.
Thanks Again! titleBarRunTimeCustomisation
Now, to get euphoria out of my way, I'd like to ask for and suggest something that makes sense.
I have multiple monitors. Metaphorically speaking playing tone by tone on guitar, you are distracted by every time having to look at which note to play. Tabs vs instances emphasizes playing notes from book not from memory. Playing from memory is much faster then looking every time at every instance-title. That meaning, I am searching for organizing rule of instances. By looking at title-names you loose momentum and not once I found myself wondering what? where? I was looking. You get 4 instances and few tabs each. There is very easy to get wondering where you were. Not that I am criticizing anything or anyone god forbid! I just say that I thought of 2 ways to tame the multi-tasking. Make title bars in color every time for every instance, or give each instance big fat bold one-digit number so I do not loose momentum by browsing around at super speed. I am thinking about possibility to quickly give a title-bar color or give-titleBar-number(20px-bold) simply with clicking on a button whenever you like to change it. For example, you set greens to picture folders, yellow videos, red notepads,...documents 1, downloads 2, program files windows 3 and so on.
One button that in that way can manipulate task-bar will be great addition to dOpus family, I think.
Furthermore, say we all projects have similarity like pics, vids, txts,

Enjoy your night, mate!