How to Navigate from a sub folder to Next or Previous sub folder?

This script code address a very specific (and unusual) navigation sequence as requested by the OP. Maybe it's not as unusual as it seems to me. :grinning:

You can trigger it from a button (e.g. KHGo 1) or a 3-button with KHGo 1 on LMB and KHGo -1 on RMB or if you just want to experiment you can use instant commands (type > prefix) such as >KHGo 1 or >KHGo -1.

The OP has identified a bug that triggers under certain conditions which I will look into and fix. I suggest you defer any testing until that has been done.

Edit: 2019-12-02 Updated to v1.1. Re-download the script from this post earlier in the thread.

OK I can wait. Nice work any way. Thanks

For Go to the next (1st) subfolders you can use This Button code: KHGo 1
For Back to the Previous subfolders you can use This Button code: KHGo -1
If you want to go to the next (2nd) subfolders you can use This Button code: KHGo 2
For Back to the Previous (2nd) subfolders you can use This Button code: KHGo -2

Also There is a more advance button you can create, which button can give you a dialogbox for input the subfolders sorting order number as you wish like 1 or 2 or 3 or -1 or -2 or -3 The button code is: KHGo {dlgstringS|Enter Subfolder's sorting order number}

Finally My want is filled by MY Dear aussieboykie Brother. Thank you so much. I am really grateful to you.